How do you find mentors? I'm a 30 something engineer who has never had great technical mentors mostly because of working in startups with few experienced engineers. I've had many business people mentors over the years but not as many engineering mentors as I'd have liked.
So how does one go about finding mentors when you do not work closely with them? Is there a better strategy than simply reaching out on email/linkedin and hope for the best?
I go up to them, and I ask them.
And they usually like to spend any amount of time explaining, if they see that you're someone who might be able to understand the answer. And that's to a large degree just attitude. People are usually really happy to talk about things they know a lot about, not just to sound smart, but because they really like to think about it, and you get to think about it when you hear yourself talking... I really enjoy ranting, and listening to rants. I learned a lot of CS by listening to hour-long rants at the cafeteria. Some nerdy person just piping their /dev/urandom into your visual cortex.
Knowing what to want to know seems much harder.