Yes, sir, and you had to wait 10 years for it! I've only had steel frames myself but when I try out non-steel frames I can't say I dislike them, just that they feel strange.
I'm still trying to understand the talk about over/understeer and how the bottom bracket is involved. Are you saying you put down more weight on the outside pedal on each rotation of the crank as you're going through a turn?
Also, isn't there some wasted energy going into flexing the frame that should go into the road?
There is some wasted energy from flexing during really hard pedaling, but off-road this can actually make you more efficient when the frame keeps the rear wheel attached to uneven ground.
I'm still trying to understand the talk about over/understeer and how the bottom bracket is involved. Are you saying you put down more weight on the outside pedal on each rotation of the crank as you're going through a turn?
Also, isn't there some wasted energy going into flexing the frame that should go into the road?