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Or maybe not. It's harder to change an organisational DNA than just changing the people.

tl;dr: MS is still evil.

That corporate strategy has failed them recently.

They had been doing mobile ever since the mostly fiction pen windows (which became windows CE a few years later) in 1992 but lost that battle so hard with things like Kin and Lumia they dropped out. And let's forget about Zune.

At one point they has 95% of the browser market but lost that so much that they completely abandoned their browser engine.

Despite all the money they've thrown at projects like Surface and Bing, they have failed to come anywhere near a dominant position. Even in gaming consoles, which has been fairly successful, they're still in 3rd place behind Sony and Nintendo after over 20 years.

Their cloud azure is nowhere near AWS ... being a barbarian emperor hasn't been working for them for a long time and demanding the 1970s IBM style vertically integrated infrastructure is not a luxury they have.

its not that hard to change it over the course of 25 years when 99.99% of the employees are different people

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