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> If someone came out with a free, cross-platform, attractive text editor that was a native executable and got critical mass going with a plugin ecosystem, then VS Code would fall out of fashion within a year.

Well yeah, there's the problem. This isn't an easy task, it has never been done before.

It's been done with Vim and Emacs, among others. Full desktop GUI versions, in addition to the original terminal-based form.

It just hasn't been done RECENTLY... with an editor that is visually attractive, and uses modern keyboard conventions rather than arcane keystroke DSL's that are inaccessible for the masses. But that's just a matter of project philosophy, not technical limitations with what's doable.

This is definitely the first time I've ever seen the adjective 'attractive' applied to either vim or emacs.

If by "applied to Vim and Emacs", you mean "included in a list of theoretical differences from Vim and Emacs", then sure.

> > > free, cross-platform, attractive text editor

> > Well yeah, there's the problem. This isn't an easy task, it has never been done before.

> It's been done with Vim and Emacs

My apologies if I misunderstood how you intended the pronouns to be applied.

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