This is not true. You could download “the last compatible version” on an older iPad. If there wasn’t a compatible version, what do you expect?
I was able to do just that as late as 2018. Netflix, Crackle, Hulu, Spotify and a few other apps that I tried ran on a reset iPad 1.
But let’s be honest, the iPad was obsolete the day it was introduced. It came with only 256MB of RAM when the iPhone 4 that came out 3 months later came out with 512MB of RAM. It couldn’t run Safari without crashing with iOS 5.
I was able to do just that as late as 2018. Netflix, Crackle, Hulu, Spotify and a few other apps that I tried ran on a reset iPad 1.
But let’s be honest, the iPad was obsolete the day it was introduced. It came with only 256MB of RAM when the iPhone 4 that came out 3 months later came out with 512MB of RAM. It couldn’t run Safari without crashing with iOS 5.