I have two colleagues who regularly send me emails from that domain.
For the first , I assumed it was her own domain. When I saw messages
from a second person I assumed they might both work for the same
company. Now I figured it's an ISP. I checked it out and it looks like
a good, legit service for people who don't want creeps and advertisers
grubbing through their messages. Three UK have no place blocking
traffic from legitimate users and must identify problematic use on a
per case basis.
Modern legal systems usually limit criminal liability to individuals
[1]. Companies engaging in acts of collective punishment (That goes
for you too Cloudflare) should at least try to raise their ethical
standards to those expected by International Law.
> Modern legal systems usually limit criminal liability to individuals [1]. Companies engaging in acts of collective punishment (That goes for you too Cloudflare) should at least try to raise their ethical standards to those expected by International Law.
There is no "criminal liability", and blocking malfeasants on the internet has always been a heuristic fight. If a service originates an extremely high rate of fraud versus legitimate uses, it's a good heuristic for fraud. It's a shame for legitimate users, but it's also how it's always worked.
And more generally minor (or self-hosted) MTA have always had that issue, it's not news that they get delivered less reliably than big "trusted" mail hosts, and that they can get blacklisted real fast.
Just because it's not "criminal" doesn't mean they're not dicks. And
"if you want to make an omelet you gotta break eggs" is neither a
reason nor an excuse. It's a sob story you tell yourself to feel
better about not being smart enough to figure out a solution that
doesn't harm others.
Cloudflare are just technically not able to deliver what they pretend
to. They profess to offer protection for vulnerable users of the
internet who are service providers. In doing so they harm millions of
other vulnerable users who are clients. They rob Peter to pay Paul,
and then take a moral stand on Free Speech.
Free Speech is a two sided affair. The freedom to write/speak must be
matched by the freedom to read/listen.
Cloudflare trample all over the latter and act like it's
nothing... because "if you wanna make an omelet you gotta break some
eggs". They simply kick the can down the road and so are hypocritical
and grandiose.
Modern legal systems usually limit criminal liability to individuals [1]. Companies engaging in acts of collective punishment (That goes for you too Cloudflare) should at least try to raise their ethical standards to those expected by International Law.