This is a pointless argument about how much credit iPhone deserves for what Android / WebOS / Windows Phone did later. People give varying degrees of credit for different reasons and that's fine.
What's not really cool is MG Siegler criticizing Android's open-ness by means of some weird roundabout mockery of a non-event. He's so extremely smug in his post criticizing Android about something that iOS is orders of magnitude worse at any way you slice it. If you like iOS you should be glad there is viable competition to keep Apple honest because competition is good for everyone. Without competition to Apple the future is a world where you do what Apple says you can do, and you pay out the ass for it. I love Apple stuff, but even I'm not fool enough to believe they have my best interests at heart now and forever more.
What's not really cool is MG Siegler criticizing Android's open-ness by means of some weird roundabout mockery of a non-event. He's so extremely smug in his post criticizing Android about something that iOS is orders of magnitude worse at any way you slice it. If you like iOS you should be glad there is viable competition to keep Apple honest because competition is good for everyone. Without competition to Apple the future is a world where you do what Apple says you can do, and you pay out the ass for it. I love Apple stuff, but even I'm not fool enough to believe they have my best interests at heart now and forever more.