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> We had small common framework that everybody used

Python applications seem to benefit from this as well, and I've encountered a surprising amount of resistance to it from other developers. I think everyone has been burned at least once by "over-designing", building too much of the wrong abstraction. But the result is that they are never willing to commit to a common internal framework even long after the need for one has become painfully obvious.

Usually this happens among developers who have been solo developing a project for a while, and see themselves as YAGNI zealots fighting the good fight against excessive abstraction and overengineering.

I understand and sympathize with the sentiment. But when every design decision is ad-hoc and as-needed, it makes it really really hard for external contributors to make changes to the existing codebase. It discourages contributors from "big-picture thinking" and eventually leads to the dreaded Ball of Mud design, with some combination of:

• meandering flow control

• poorly-defined or nonexistent interface boundaries

• inconsistent naming

• lack of documentation, or incorrect documentation and/or comments

• redundant safety checks, or absent safety checks

• poor runtime performance

• difficult-to-test code that freely mixes I/O and business logic, requiring complicated test fixtures, tests that are difficult or impossible to change, and poor test coverage (antipattern and code smell: "idk how to test that, don't waste your time. did you run it on the QA environment and check that it worked?")

I think it arises as a misunderstanding of the forces that lead to overengineering and building incorrect abstractions in the first place. The problem is usually one of expanding the scope of an abstraction or framework too early, not of building the abstraction or framework in the first place.

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