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>The adult thing is to not be a child who thinks flipping the bird in his profile is something to be proud of.

That's the adult thing for him to do. But the adult thing for the rest of us to do is mind our own business. If I start to start a conversation with someone but find their speech offends me, I walk away. If his picture offends you, just take him off your feed. No big deal.

No, the new "adult thing" to do is try to control what other do and say, so that no one ever has to experience the traumatic effects of being offended.

I think many people here are conflating offensiveness and propriety. You don't have to be offended by something to find it inappropriate for a service that you run. (I don't find profanity offensive, but I also don't find it appropriate for business conversation. I doubt Googlers find a bird all that offensive, but the people making decisions apparently don't find birds appropriate for public G+ feeds. Oh noes?)

He, and you, and I, have no inherent right to do whatever we want on a private service. Their house, their rules. Maybe he should start his own social network (with blackjack, and...). He can call it CrunchPlaid. =)

If by "new" you mean "the thing that's been going on for thousands of years."

You're assuming we're the adults here, rather than Google.

If flipping the bird isn't an adult thing to do, clearly the users are not adults. So the guardians have to clean up after them, as is customary.

Heck, apple has made a lot of money by taking that stance. Why shouldn't Google emulate it?

He's not on my feed. I don't use G+ and wouldn't follow Siegler if I did.

I don't really see many people not minding their business, though. I see a few (including me) saying "meh, it's Google's house, they choose the rules", and that's about it.

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