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They didn't seem to communicate to the author the critical bit of information then (i.e. "we have no intent of actually building this to these requirements in 12 weeks"). I get that there may be a business charade going on where impossible requirements and deadlines are juggled, but the key for the CTO here is not to simply pass that down to the team delivering, no matter how tempting that may be. His job is not only to get the deal, it's also to protect a functioning team.

The result of failing to do so is a team fighting uphill to deliver an impossible goal. So long as the CTO's actual plan is delivered to me, I have no problem with it. But too often the project evolves into negative pressure and "crunch time" to meet the impossible goal. Differences between actual goals and "paper goals" are blurred. If that's what's going to happen, I'd want no part of it. In fact, if the goals are sufficiently unrealistic I'd tell the CTO to clearly communicate with the customer what's realistically achievable in 12 weeks, or find another developer (Yes this has been a successful approach for 20 years and counting).

I doubt a CTO would want to document that they are lying to customers on estimates.

Yeah, instead they just say "software estimates are totally impossible to make! We can't help it!".

It is easy to make relatively accurate estimates if you want them, but there is very little demand for accurate estimates, managers wants overly optimistic estimates because those are easier to sell.

Estimation is doable statistically. You can estimate 100 small things with reasonable accuracy, if you work in familiar terrain. That's why scrum an similar tend to work reasonably well for seeing if you are going to hit some iteration deadline etc.

BUT you can't estimate a huge software project up front, because you can't break it into 100 small things up front and it's not usually not familiar terrain before it started. You might be forced to give an estimate up front in order to get a deal, but it's all business theater.

Then I'd be fine with clear communication among all senior executives, so that HIS boss in turn doesn't believe the team is going to deliver the paper goal, and later gold the CTO to it. If there are two different sets of requirements (Paper requirements and actual requirements) then it's pretty important that the whole C-suite agrees what the team will be held to delivering. Otherwise you are going to see the CEO breathing down the neck of the CTO once the project fails to meet the paper goals. Next thing you know, it's "pizza night" for the team.

It would be interesting to see how the CTO and CPO dealt with the blowout in delivery time. As they pretty much gave a made-up commitment to the customer, did they also create fiction when reporting to the CEO or the board in how their team was doing at meeting delivery revenue and containing costs?

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