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I'm registered with a cryonics company to be frozen after death on a rare chance that it actually works.

My reasoning is that I simply like living. I think that arguments against longevity often sound deep, but if you rephrase them in more straightforward terms, they'll seem completely devoid of substance.

For example, what does "we're children of our times mean?" That once world changes too much, death is preferable to adapting? I would absolutely love to see how the world will look in a hundred years, and I sincerely hope it will be strange and unique.

Same with "death will simply take us back to where we came from"... I'm sorry, but it doesn't really mean anything. If my loved one dies, that's bad. If my friend gets sick, I hope they recover. Again, I'm sorry but once we strip the poetics, there's really nothing left here.

I think about it this way, although i dont have the money to sign up yet.(and don't want to do a rate plan while being young).

Basically every religion has some hope of afterlife/reincarnation. So for non religious people this also kinda provides this hope. And if it doesnt work out it is just a expensive funeral. If your dead body is burned, frozen or buried doesnt really matter in this case.

If you're in Europe – I'm signed with Tomorrow Biostasis (https://www.tomorrow.bio) and the pricing is not as bad as I expected when I initially started thinking about it.

Didnt look too much into it but my gut feeling based on the price says its too cheap to be able to keep the lights on for centuries.

I would rather do a one time payment because they sure wont get money from me when i am dead. So a one time payment must basically be big enough to generate enough interest/stock market returns to make it worth their while too keep the lights on forever. I dont see this with a 50€ Subscription. Maybe they would do it like an ETF Investment Account which signs you up for Cyro Preservation after reaching a certain size. The money would have to be withdrawable while being alive though.

It works through a life insurance. So it's not just the subscription.

Besides that, as far as I understand, cryonics is heavily dependent on effects of scale. My hope is that by the time I'm about to get frozen, enough people will be interested in it to make it economically viable long term.

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