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You might find unyt useful: https://unyt.readthedocs.io

Disclaimer: I am the primary unyt maintainer.

Thanks, I might indeed!

The one thing I really like about the Astropy system is that it's built on PEP-593 annotations and Numpy, The former being effectively free and transparent at runtime, and the latter being a nearly universal standard for numerical and scientific computing.

The docs also reminded me of the existence of Pint, which is yet another standalone unit system that I keep forgetting to try. Do you have some kind of comparison document among Astropy, Pint, and Unyt? It would be helpful to have a sense of how Unyt differs from the others, otherwise my default behavior is to go with whatever is the most popular.

Maybe you'll find the paper I wrote describing unyt (https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.00809) useful? unyt doesn't have type annotations so if you need that then it's not a good fit.

Would be useful to add the standard units (SI units) from physics and for all quantities that can possibly be used.

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