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Qobuz and Tidal both have developer friendly APIs. You can absolutely build your own client.

Roon will index either or both of them with your local mp3 library. It decorates with third-party metadata services, and will stream hi-res to almost any hardware device you can throw at it.

> Qobuz and Tidal both have developer friendly APIs.

Last time I looked, Tidal didn't offer a public API. They were 100% closed and developer unfriendly. You had to "borrow" their client ID for use with reverse engineered clients. Has this changed? If so can you link to the docs please?

Are there any open clients?

I'm looking for a good music service that plays on my freebsd desktop ideally without using the browser.

Right now I use sootify-qt using spotifyd but it's a bit hit and miss.

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