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> @realDonaldTrump · Jan 6, 2021 I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. […]

“Remain peaceful” at 2:38pm Eastern, well into the violence, and while he was being urged to tell people to stop the violence. (Which, again, he had incited.) [0]

> @realDonaldTrump · Jan 6, 2021 Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

Again, “Stay peaceful” at 3:18pm Eastern, as the violent insurrection he had incited continued, after insurrectionists had overwhelmed police outside of the Speakers Lobby were lawmakers and staff were sheltering, and almost simultaneously with the breach of the Speaker’s Lobby in which Ashli Babbit was shot.

By that point, even if they hadn’t been there at his instigation, Trump was at best grossly derelict in his duties by not issuing the insurrectionists a proclamation to disperse.

> Evidence that he wanted a peaceful protest with no violence.

No, those are evidence that once the violence was well under way and it was clear that most of the principal targets had evaded the mob, and that the mob would fail to pressure the Congress (either under the VP or a different presiding officer) to act in accord with his wishes, he wished to be seen as opposed to the violence that up to that point he had been inciting (his tweet that enraged the mob against Pence–unlike the ones that serve his post-Jan. 6 propaganda narrative, since deleted–having been issued at 2:24pm Eastern.)

[0] see the timeline here for a fairly accessible tick/tock of the day’s events: https://www.npr.org/2022/01/05/1069977469/a-timeline-of-how-...

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