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> When Spotify was young they were extremely developer and ecosystem friendly. It gets progressively worse and worse over time.

This is somewhat tangential, but I feel like this happens often, as internal power and culture shifts away from being developer-driven to consumer- or manager-driven.

This doesn't happen for every company, thankfully.

A lot of music streaming providers get to pay less for radio plays than for user-directed plays, which in turn drives a lot of that behavior.

The average user at scale is nothing like the average early adopter user. Developers tend to be early adopters of tech products.

Seems quite related to the standard 'company lifecycle'

And, to your point, not every company follows one. But most do.

What big company didn't end up manager driven after a couple of decades? Even Google ultimately went down that path.

> This doesn't happen for every company, thankfully.

It happened to Twitter didn't it?

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