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This uses librespot for the actual communication with Spotify's servers.

Note that to get it to support Spotify Free, you need to compile a custom librespot with this part of the code commented out, that checks for Spotify Premium: https://github.com/librespot-org/librespot/blob/6dc7a11b09b5...

And then use this with spotifyd instead of the original.

But please don't, otherwise you may get the lib killed for everybody.

Well the username checksout for the original commenter.

Haha I always thought it was Spotify who enforced this requirement on their end

I mean, it kind of is..

I think there's an unofficial understanding that if someone puts out a way to access Spotify Free that removes or bypasses the limitations and constraints that Spotify imposes on free accounts, they would summon the lawyers.

the artists don't even get their royalties when using Spotifyd though

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