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I'm glad this exists, but it's unfortunate that the reverse-engineered librespot that this depends on is necessary, thanks to Spotify backpedaling on their promises of a streaming-capable replacement for libspotify.

After spotify forbade the last library that could do this, I took spotify out of my mopidy/snapcast whole-house audio system, cancelled my premium subscription, and have spent the same money buying albums in MP3 from Amazon ever since. So far so good.

You guys still don't own your music?

Laughs in Lidarr

Sounds like you don’t own your music either.

There's only one way to own it. Work smart, not hard.

Neither in some sense do people who own physical media, eg. a CD.

I’m what sense is that, exactly? I can sell my discs, play them however often and in whatever device I want. I can also rip as many times as I want onto as many computers as I want.

In the sense that you own the physical CD but only have a license to use the music on it. Ripping a CD is not legal in many countries including UK and probably the US [1], so do you 'own' the music any more than someone who has pirated it? I guess, in some sense.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ripping#Legality

The license is meaningless if you hold the physical bits and choose to ignore everything else

Ownership is a social construct. The leviathan can come and take away your bits at any time.

Licenses are meaningless, period.

{L,}GPLv{2,3} has corporate lawyers consistently shitting themselves. I derive meaning from this.

Then I hate to break it to you but that’s totally not true. It might have PMs or engineers shitting themselves, but the lawyers don’t really care. It’s just not a big deal.

They play that game because they have to. Your average Joe is not going to be sued for ignoring a license.

A law is only as good as its enforcement.

As someone who does own his music, but has Spotify for convenience: What OSS app provides a good experience across my Linux desktop and Android mobile?

I rip my own songs, but I want something that's better than Spotify to listen to it. Then again, I listen to music on my Alexa too, so I think it would be hard for something to interface with that.

Navidrome should be plenty, but it's just a subsonic server with a simple web front end. You can use any subsonic compliant client for Android, there's plenty.

I had Navidrome hooked up to my Sonos system as a test. Ultimately you are at the mercy of the walled gardens if you choose to use them, some are free-er than others.

Thank you, I tried Plexamp and Jellyfin but neither worked well. I'll try Subsonic, that's a very good suggestion, thanks!

Which front end do you use to listen? I am really digging Plex Amp these days.

I use Jellyfin [0] server on pi with tailscale, So I can access all media anywhere (DLNA also), and I can use DAC for high-res music (Android: USB Audio Player Pro [1]) as well.

[0]: https://jellyfin.org/

[1]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.extreamsd....

Navidrome (Subsonic/Airsonic server) with Symfonium Android app.

Subsonic server with play:Sub as a client. Nice and lightweight.

Plexamp is great. Even has built in EQ so I can use autoeq profiles on iOS etc. Reminds me a lot of Winamp of old.

If plex amp gets rid of its 1000 songs limit, Im in, too. I am very happy with syncthing+powerAMP setup on android.

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