If your equations are in MathML, the browsers should be able to screen read them at some point.
> Even slight differences in layout can make a complex set of equations difficult to parse.
Such set of equations should normally be represented by a single block, I can't imagine a reason why layout should change inside that block.
The layout of pdf is unnecessarily rigid. When I'm reading it on my screen, there's no reason the text should be split into A4 pages with very specific margin values. Latex also often moves your figures a few pages ahead because they didn't fit on the specific page. There's absolutely no reason for that when you have access to the big continuous canvas of an html page. This works for equations too; if you have a long equation block that happens to be right between two pages, you either have to let one page have a gap, or reorder/rewrite your paragraphs to make the equations fit. None of this has a good excuse when it's read on a screen.
I don't think we need a website, but a js-free webpage with hyperlinks would be a lot better than pdf. Pdfs I find imperfect but ok.
> Even slight differences in layout can make a complex set of equations difficult to parse.
Such set of equations should normally be represented by a single block, I can't imagine a reason why layout should change inside that block.
The layout of pdf is unnecessarily rigid. When I'm reading it on my screen, there's no reason the text should be split into A4 pages with very specific margin values. Latex also often moves your figures a few pages ahead because they didn't fit on the specific page. There's absolutely no reason for that when you have access to the big continuous canvas of an html page. This works for equations too; if you have a long equation block that happens to be right between two pages, you either have to let one page have a gap, or reorder/rewrite your paragraphs to make the equations fit. None of this has a good excuse when it's read on a screen.
I don't think we need a website, but a js-free webpage with hyperlinks would be a lot better than pdf. Pdfs I find imperfect but ok.