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Movie revenue is dropping for the same reason buggy whip sales decreased with the deployment of engines. Movies are a dead medium walking. Interactive beats mindless observation.

The mpaa wont go down without taking a handfull of civil liberties with it though.

> Interactive beats mindless observation.

Sort of how the appearance of music and movies let to the inevitable demise of books?

I don't think your argument holds. I'm an avid gamer and I still enjoy good movies, TV shows and books. Interactive media are not suitable for all types of storytelling.

Interactive entertainment is a markedly different form of entertainment from movies. You're comparing apples to oranges I'm afraid.

That said, there's only a certain amount of time each person can spend on escapism. If gaming is occupying more of that space it is intrinsically encroaching on other forms of entertainment. Ebert is notorious for writing off the gaming industry, so I'm not surprised it wasn't mentioned in this article.

The MPAA has been having record profits, 2011 was a very odd year. I don't think the gaming industry has much to do with it.

I'm not sure that profit is relevant here; you would have to look at revenue or (even better) head-counts of moviegoers. My understanding is that domestic (US) ticket sales peaked in 2002 at 1.58B while revenue continued to rise until 2009 due to rising ticket prices. Source:


Anyway, my original point was that if you assume aggregate leisure time has changed little over the last decade -- it's impossible to ignore competition from other entertainment activities vying for the same space -- especially when you've got absolutely meteoric growth in the gaming industry.

I disagree about film dying, we still have traditional theater, we'll always have film.

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