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> Monsanto's claim in that case was that they had informed him the previous year that part of his field was contaminated, and he responded by intentionally planting seeds from the crops they had told him were Roundup Ready.

Why shouldn't he?

Because Monsanto holds a patent on that technology. Their claim was patent infringement.

If iPhones hacked into Android phones on the same network and installed iOS, would Apple have any case against the folks who subsequently used that iOS installation on their Android devices?

I can't see the commonalities you're trying to draw between the actual scenario Monsanto thought happened (guy accidentally acquired their seed, intentionally decided to grow it and sell it instead of his own seed) and the scenario you're presenting (person accidentally gets OS installed on their phone, continues using phone).

Accidentally acquired their seed? He grew his own crops, collected his own seeds, and re-planted that seed the next year, like pretty much every farmer in history has.

Monsanto's product contaminated his seeds, through no fault of his own. An apology, not a lawsuit, was in order.

Like I said, they're dicks, but they weren't quite doing what people try to say they were.

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