Yeah I was being somewhat intentionally hyperbolic. There isn't (or shouldn't) be any difference between the challenges currently inherent in software IP and "bio IP". However right now all the players in bio IP are huge and fairly clumsy (though that's changing I hear, with bootstrapper generic engineering labs starting to appear) it is kind of remenisicent of the SCO lawsuit days in some ways.
However on the subject of litigious entities Monsanto certainly dishes out far more than they get. Just do a google search for "Monsanto sues" to see what I mean.
Edit: Err down voted for admitting hyperbole, really?
You were probably downvoted for the last paragraph, in which you go right back to harping on Monsanto's litigious tendencies, which you just admitted were essentially a red herring.
I admitted I was being hyperbolic in the previous post where I didn't mention their litigious tendencies.
They do have very litigious tendencies from what I can see, but I'm happy for anyone who disagrees to refute the statement. Takes a bit longer than down voting I suppose.