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Facebook ban: "Now I can't even prove I'm the real Kevin Mitnick." (cnet.com)
21 points by p4bl0 on Dec 29, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments


Asked for comment, Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said: "We are very aggressive in fostering and enforcing our real name culture and sometimes we make mistakes. But it's rare, and it's been fixed."

Anecdotes are no evidence. But this person's friends (a lowly ~40ish) are probably split in two between real name and fake. Extending to 'friends of friends' I'd estimate my network on that level consists of 65-70% fake names. This includes

- The fancy one: Let's write down the real name in 'cool' symbols/different alphabets that kind of look similar

- The gamers/nerds/pseudonym fans, using a handle. Maybe combined with parts of their name (totally bogus example: 'Spidey Pete' for 'Peter Somethingboring').

- Weird ideas of pseudo-privacy by writing your name in a way that is totally false and fake but _can_ be recognized when read out loud

- Totally idiotic joke names. Think Bart calls Moe's Tavern [1]

- Random, plausible looking names where I _know_ that the person behind made it up and just uses this account to stalk people

Yeah. Seems not working, Facebook. And I predict that it cannot work, ever.

1: https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/List_of_Simpsons_Prank_Calls#....

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