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If anyone from Valve is reading this, I'm not a gamer at all, but I bought a (fully loaded) SteamDeck largely to support your efforts, and secondly to have a cool portable computer. It is (in about a week) going to become a game console hooked up to my TV. I could have got an xbox for much less the price, but the openness, power, and linuxyness of the steamdeck was too attractive to pass up :-D

Please keep it up! you're the heroes we need in this fight.

P.S. I'll be buying games from your store also as my kids are gamers

Has anyone successfully run SteamDeck's version of arch on a pc for gaming+dev? I'm looking to do this but I'd love to hear anecdotes

You can simply use the steam decks UI on any Linux system and it works great on AMD. Hardware acceleration on Nvidia is somehow super messed up still, so not recommended for those just yet.

HoloISO is what you're looking for: https://old.reddit.com/r/holoiso/

I hope your kids are not expecting high end gaming experiences and are happy with simple indie games (which usually are the better games anyways), because the SteamDeck cannot and never will replace something like an XBox.

Steam Deck comfortably runs high end AAA games like God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk 2077, in many ways with comparable performance of the base Xbox model.

Which makes sense since the hardware is similar.

So I have no idea what you're talking about, it can easily replace Xbox.

Eh, for me it’s largely replaced my extremely beefy gaming computer. I use the Steam Deck for so many games, including AAA titles like the Final Fantasy VII remake. It’s a shockingly good little device.

This is a small selection of the games I’ve recently played on the Steam Deck and been surprised by how flawlessly they performed and played:

- God of War

- Elden Ring

- Final Fantasy VII Remake

- Forza Horizon 5

- Jedi: Fallen Order

- Spider-Man Remastered

This is one of those statements that are going to sound hilariously wrong in a few years, when third-party OEM will be able to put SteamOS on their custom hardware. The hard part was making Linux run games, and Valve has done it.

Xbox, PS and Nintendo won't die, but there will be a fourth player, and if anyone has to die first, it'll be Xbox, due to shrinking mind share and lack of third party titles.

EDIT: I meant first party titles. The list of exclusives on SONY and Nintendo consoles demolish Xbox right now.

Hate to say this but if the SteamDeck becomes too popular compared to Desktop Linux, then that's an incentive for the company to make the software more closed again (not anyone's fault, but just how the world works). Better buy only the games if you want to support them.

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