just a random thing: girls are more "responsible" because the societal bias is to teach women to be responsible from a young age.
from the perspective of a woman, I missed the possibility to make dumb mistakes because "responsibility" (and not even because my parents taught or encpuraged it, but from friends and family's pressure). Let your kids make dumb stuff and dumb mistakes, please.
It's not a societal thing. Men are more risk tolerant. I believe there have been studies to show this transcends societies and cultures. That doesn't mean women aren't risk tolerant, or that they can't be taught to take calculated risks. Think of it as a distribution curve--men's curve is shifted a bit to the right. The median man is more risk tolerant than the median woman, but there are still lots of women who are more risk tolerant than the median man.
This means there are more male extreme athletes and entrepreneurs, but also more inmates and gambling addicts.
Having worked very closely with numerous toddler and preschool children continuously from 2-6 and still observing many others doing this:
The base state of the child is absolutely evolutionary (at a population level): male children are less responsible/compliant and female children are more responsible/compliant from the outset.
This makes girls easy to (even accidentally) make responsible.
Teachers and parents generally easily spend 10x to 100x the effort trying to make boys responsible but do not succeed at nearly the same rates by the same ages. Girls learn faster.
from the perspective of a woman, I missed the possibility to make dumb mistakes because "responsibility" (and not even because my parents taught or encpuraged it, but from friends and family's pressure). Let your kids make dumb stuff and dumb mistakes, please.