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Wouldn't it be better to help a child learn self moderation without giving them such a strong addictive substance?

Like for some kids, having to leave a fun play date at their friends house because they have school the next day is crushing enough but probably a good lesson in self moderation and preparedness. That's probably a simpler way to teach self-moderation rather than, here is a bag of cocaine, try not to eat all of it please.

"You see billy, there is a company who is out to get you by stealing all your attention and ruining your life by maximizing profits" is probably a bit complicated for a child.

Also I don't think adults are great at overcoming all their weaknesses, for example, I absolutely love chocolate, so much so that if it's in the house I wish ravish it. So what I do is, I don't have chocolate in the house and it's problem solved.

For some kids not having you tube in their face is probably similar to not having chocolate in the house?

But you haven't solved your chocolate problem, you've avoided it, which is what you're advocating for here with technology.

The generation raising children now may not fully understand how critical technology will be in your child's everyday life. You can't just avoid tech, it's literally how every job gets done now, how every leisurely activity is organized or even operated. It's everywhere, unlike chocolate, which can more or less be entirely described as a needless luxury.

This isn't "chocolate" it's "literacy", and by limiting your child's access to it, you're limiting their ability to grow fluent in this new language.

Yes, there are drawbacks and problems, but those will be valuable lessons to learn.

The point is that given it is your child, being near you since day 0, if you give an adequate example of what you consider a good life, they will also be probably inclined to follow your example. Although it isn't a rigorous process.

There is a joke: how do you stop a 30 year old man from beating his wife? You hug him when he is 7. How do you stop a 7 year old from being a brat throwing tantrums for chocolate and YouTube? You control your chocolate/YouTube/etc. intake when they are 1 days old.

> For some kids not having you tube in their face is probably similar to not having chocolate in the house?

If parents solved all their problems with the kid by shoving the phone in their hands ["so that brat would finally shut the fuck up"] then of course.

Every kid is different. I've heard of families who put locks on the refrigerator at night because their kids won't stop eating.

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