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Looks amazing! I played with Reader for the last hour or so and it looks so much better than Pocket. The import from Pocket - delightful!

I had originally started using Readwise to sync my Pocket and Memex highlights with Roam and it looks like you guys have removed the need for both by building Reader.

My pocket (pun unintended) thanks you, provided price isn't going up. But I think there is a lesson here. Pocket has done no innovation for years - a classic 'cash cow'. But then you guys show up and make a product that (for me) is 10x better. It is also clever that you haven't taken any VC funding because I don't think this a product that will ever be venture scale. Now, you guys can build cool stuff and make a good living in peace without chasing that elusive venture exit.

Thanks! Yeah, part of the motivation for Reader was that our original readwise app was integrated with a bunch of these apps like Pocket and Instapaper... and we saw them completely fall by the wayside.

Our users were constantly asking us to fix things with Pocket/Instapaper that were out of our control, so they kind of pulled this app out of us :)

Yeah, if I ran Pocket I'd be really concerned now-- particularly because they've made it so easy to onboard as a Pocket user, with it automatically retrieving all your saved articles.

It’s Mozilla right? I’m not sure how much money they make off pocket but I imagine that it’s no where near as much as keeping that google money flowing.

That being said, I imagine every bit counts for Mozilla. Anybody have any idea how big their user base is?


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