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> Musk’s son, X Æ A-12

I heard that he gave his child a strange name, but... that is just something else.

On topic: I don't see how a flight location could be shown to cause that event. If I told you that I was arriving somewhere at LAX at around 0900 could you find me?

> On topic: I don't see how a flight location could be shown to cause that event.

Especially since it is claimed the @elonjet account hadn't tweeted for 48 hours before the incident - difficult indeed to claim causation.

Are you flying in on your own private jet and are you among the richest most well-known people in the world?

Sure. Now, what are the chances you can find me? Let's assume I decide to take a not-a-limo as my ride home though.

So privacy protection only applies to the rich?

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