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Countless literal death threats didn't do it.


But when it starts getting that close to kids, maybe you'd start to take it more seriously too.

Hey remember the last time Musk used a claim about one of his kids to justify an action that against was what he previously said would be his policy? What was that, a week ago?

That is publicly available information. How hard is to grasp that?

Do you have kids?

Won’t somebody /please/ think of the children?!?!

I have kids. This whole thing is stupid. Elon is a hypocrite.

“It” not being free speech, clearly.

Lolol, come on, "can I tweet "kill Elon musk" yet" is the saddest excuse of a "death threat" I've ever seen.

Boohoo. Elon Musk got a few dozen death threats.

Everyone he targets his army at gets thousands of death threats each. And Elon has a very, very, long list of past targets.

If Elon wants the death threats to stop he should stop instigating them against others.

He has never done so. Point me to a single tweet where he called for death threats against anyone.

You can't, yet you defend literal death threats just because you don't like the target.

How about the prosecute tweet?

If your response is that it doesn't qualify, neither does reporting information about his private jet.

The leson here is more general - having a platform should be seen as a big responsibility where great care must be taken to prevent one's actions from having unintended consequences.

Come on, if you didn't notice the unfounded insinuation that a former high-ranking corporate officer at Twitter was really a pedophile and the resultant fallout over the last 72 hours, then you are really not paying attention.

Elon have an army of followers with size of multiple 4chan's and some of them are obviously less stable than others. He is aware of this fact and over years he did not act responsible about it.

Also he is protected by an army of lawyers so he can smoke some weed and tweet that he thinks that you @memish is a pedophile or Hunter Biden friend or MAGA supporter or whatever. And you'll get tons of death treats as result.

He doesn't care about his kids. They are just tools when he needs to reference them.

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