I completely agree except that I would say "full stack framework" instead of "frontend framework." Just add a db and you are good to go. I tried it out when building a couple of non-critical internal apps for clients (basic CRUD apps, but with some pretty complex business rules). SvelteKit is beautifully designed. It makes things that used to be a bit of a pain super easy to understand and implement. You can use pretty much any NPM vanilla js/ts library. The timing here could not be better for me. I will definitely be using SK for my next project.
What about validation, CORS, cookies, encrypted sessions, etc? A backend (or full stack) framework should at the very minimum include those kind of things.
It's a major gripe I have with all the new full stack frameworks. The focus is on rendering and dealing with requests but they are quite sparse in bread and butter backend features. Other than routing you're basically on your own.
The community will probably start making third party plugins but I would rather have official plugins I can 100% trust like Fastify does.
It's full stack because you write the code that you want to run on the server AND the code that you want to be shipped to the browser both within SK. Not because it does everything. You would want to choose your favorite libraries for those things, e.g., zod is my fave for validation.
SvelteKit ships with a SSR server (Vite) and file system based routing out of the box. It does most of things, though not all. SvelteKit = Svelte + SSR + integration layer.
Though I expect the situation improve a bit soon, as now SvelteKit 1.0 release is out from the door.