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ok point taken but I think this might be a case of removing general public access to all flight data, instead of some rule change on twitter.

So Elon should then take it up with the famously quick and efficient US Government, just like the rest of us who are harmed by speech that the USG has not declared illegal. If he suffers any harm in the meantime, then well, that's just the cost of Free Speech! Sorry, Elon! Hooray, Free Speech!

right, I'll meet the annoying persistent sarcasm with some more. We should go back to the old twitter! Where woke 30 year old ivy league graduates get to decide the conversational overton window! That was so much better than aspiring to this free speech garbage!

That's the point, right? You obviously can't fall back on "anything legal is allowed." That's a stupid policy and nobody actually wants it, as the actions this thread is discussing proves. So someone has to draw the boundaries. I'd much rather have a group of experts debating & making the hard decisions than a single sociopathic billionaire. Yes, they'll get it wrong sometimes, and that sucks, but it's the least-bad possible arrangement.

so much more convincing like this. What do you think about him filing charges after some stalker tracked down his kid and blocked in his car?

There are plenty of legitimate uses for that. How do you tell legitimate from not?

make people sign up for the api with a reason for using it. Then the api key can be revoked if it's just being used for doxing.

Why not ban TMZ, 75% of whose output is about telling people where celebrities were spotted 5 seconds ago.

comment may contain hyperbole, do not consume for statistical purposes

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