No, I know plenty of immigrants and they would not want to be subjugated again, but you sort of proved my point there. You fail to realize that even now, the reason many former colonies (US being an exception) do so poorly is because the post-colonial countries were formed by colonizers, their original countries were erased. Now, I blame them for not defending their homeland to begin with but my point is that to this day they fight against each other (and I know I am overly generalizing here) because mainly mistrust between each other. You maybe familiar with tutsi's and hutu's in rwanda for example, they did not trust tutsis because they feared subjugation. You think they would be ok with europeans subjugating them when they have civil wars because their neighbors might subjugate them?
Colonialists were greedy, they could have made a lot if money just by trading and establishing trade routes. Everyone wants to profit. Their greed was they wanted it all and fast, because they developed superior militaries they used that power for greed.
Again I suspect if "ex-colonizers" allowed open frontiers, an avalanche of "ex-colonized" people would come to get peace and prosperity, leaving their elites preaching to themselves about "subjugation". Past is past. Abuses were made but "colonialism" doesn't have to be a zero sum game. Actually it never was.
It is just another point of view - an unpopular one among the elites - to be aware of.
The thing is what do you do about people that refuse to accept colonisation? Even if you are right and people vote to be colonized, you have to kill or imprison the millions who resist. And even if that wasn't the case and they somehow prosper in a few decades, why would they not want independence then? Even texas wants to secede from america and the whole south fought a war. Either way, you will have a lot of bloodshed.
Also, this means a lot more of the people you colonize will immigrate to the homeland as you can see in Europe, can your people handle that give the birth rate difference and cultural incompatibility and all the "purity" xenophobes? Business is business. In case you don't know, majority of black people in the UK immigrated in colonial mid-20th century to work in child care,NHS,etc...from the carribean and africa (which is great) because local talent was short and expensive. The same will happen in any new colony.
It is best to be friendly trade partners and allies than master and slave. There are those who want peace and profit and there are those who are filled with violence and greed.
>leaving their elites preaching to themselves about "subjugation"
It's usually the elites who inherited the colonial extractivist machine and are keeping it running. If they preach about "subjugation" it's only to avoid responsibility for failing to reform the country in a way that doesn't benefit them. People who tried actual reforms quickly found their countries intervened by foreign powers.
Colonialists were greedy, they could have made a lot if money just by trading and establishing trade routes. Everyone wants to profit. Their greed was they wanted it all and fast, because they developed superior militaries they used that power for greed.