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Today's Microsoft is yesterday's Old Spice, it's an "old man" brand that nobody wants to touch. It's the ultimate of un-cool and hasn't even risen to the level of irony like using an old Motorola or Nokia phone as a statement would.

They need to market these Windows Phone 7 things directly to people who are thinking Android, and they need to push them and push them hard. All I ever see are these weak-sauce ads that have nothing to say and leave you more confused at the end than at the beginning.

I'm not disagreeing, but I do wonder: is Blackberry cool? I don't know a single person that regards Blackberry as a desirable brand. But they are (were?) known for solid devices and good integration.

A lot of high school kids in the UK have Blackberries for some reason. Maybe they're the best for hyperactive texting.

If I had to guess it's because they're $0 phones and often come bundled with inexpensive unlimited texting plans.

If you're a thirteen year old girl that sends a hundred texts a day, which is actually the average, then a you'll want the one with the physical keyboard.

Plus, the Blackberry Pearl doesn't look that bad as far as phone gadgets go. You can even pick from a variety of colors, something which the Android and iPhone offerings lack without spending extra on a case or stickers.

I've met VERY FEW people who bought BB's. Almost everyone I've ever seen that had one had it given to them by their corporate overlords. Me included. I liked mine, but I had no other choices then. I do now, and I'm not choosing RIM (though I'd be intrigued with something running QNX...)

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