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Thank you, I appreciate hearing that. It's been a difficult thing for my friends, and esp. my family to grasp. In many ways we were compatible, but I consider this crucial. Most are passively accepting now "well, as long as you're happy". Only my best friend who is around my age (I'm 35, he's 37), who also has never been married and has been an entrepreneur for the past decade truly understands.

As to your own situation, I get that long hours, lack of attention and whatnot are difficult to deal with... but it sounds like you've proven success in your endeavor. Seems like a bit of a double-bind. One thing I can say is, being single certainly simplifies things! I dated two girls briefly after we broke up but have now made the choice to not do that for awhile, the time I gained is precious and there's nothing wrong with being alone for awhile to capitalize on it. There are many women out there and there is nothing more attractive than a man fulfilling his purpose in life.

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