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Show HN: I made a tool to open files from git in one line. Useful? (arnorhs.com)
15 points by arnorhs on Dec 26, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Very handy. Also, you can do something like this:

    git config --global alias.open '!sh ~/gitopen.sh'
Which lets you invoke it like:

    git open diff master
Edit: Alternately, if you save the file somewhere in your path as "git-open", you can run it with "git open" as well.

Ahh, awesome. Do you mind if I add that to the post and give you a shout out?

Hey of course, go nuts :)

Looks neat. I'm just curious, what is the motivation for naming this `gitopen` rather than `git-open`, which allows `git open` with no configuration?

Honestly, I simply wasn't aware of the convention. Thanks for pointing that out.

If you use vim and git, you should check out Fugitive, which adds loads of really useful Git integration into Vim:


The last five vimcasts go through what this plugin can do, and are really worth the time:


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