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Hey Ray, thanks. I've tried chartbeat, gosquared, and google's realtime. They're all fine, but now I mostly just get it via twitter.

It's not "analytics" per se, but the first 10 minutes worth of retweets is a better indicator of whether a post has legs or not than anything else.

With the proper realtime tools, I would basically just watch for irregular spikes after I pushed a post. The actual numbers never really mattered.

A quick SMS saying the post was doing better than 80% of my other posts would do the trick too.

How do people know about your blog posts initially? A tweet by you? Anything else?

Yeah, I tweet it and post a subset (maybe 1 in 5) to HN if I think it's good and relevant to most people.

I haven't really dug into RSS metrics, but you get those in realtime via feedburner, so that could be another valid source.

Great, thanks!

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