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> This conversation is locked

Says all you need to know. They are going to shove this down people's throats, whether they like it or not. Maybe not now, but it's coming. It's kind of disgusting how they talk about this change so matter of fact, as if Chrome is the only choice that people have.

They've already lobbied plenty of web developers into making sites Chrome-only. It certainly shows how powerful their propaganda is.

>They've already lobbied plenty of web developers into making sites Chrome-only

No they didn't, why do you lie like that?

I won't make as strong a claim that they've lobbied developers to make sites Chrome-only, but they've created a lot of tools for developers to check how performant their website is and how SEO friendly it is. Most of the time that's based on Google's metrics which work best on Google's browser and search.

The web performance metrics absolutely are not specific to Chrome, what makes you think that?

>Most of the time that's based on Google's metrics which work best on Google's browser

And which ones are that? Time to first byte, first content paint, render blocking resources?

Yes they did.

For an example, see any discussion on Chrome-only non-standards like hardware APIs where people are convinced they are standards and all other browsers are holding the web back.

Their entire web.dev site is nothing but Chrome propaganda machine that frequently posts about Chrome-only tech or APIs without mentioning they are Chrome-only and possibly never have the chance of becoming cross-browser (web transport comes to mind as a recent example: shipped in Chrome, its status is literally "some ideas scribbled on a napkin")

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