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As far as I'm informed (read: I cannot back this up with legalese), this is the case in Germany as well, albeit limited to soft stuff/marijuana:

- You are not allowed to buy it

- You are not allowed to sell it

- You can have a small amount of it in your possession, "for personal use" (declared as a maximum amount per substance, so that 'users' aren't in the same category as 'dealers' here)

I hope people realize that what Portugal is doing only puts all drugs in a similar legal category to alcohol during its "prohibition" in the United States. This solves none of the supply side issues and their current laws are surely still contributing to a miserable and violent black market.

What we have instead here in the United States (and attempt to force onto other countries) is a view that all use is abuse, regardless of any reasoning, even medicinal use. We can't even grow it for research or non-drug uses because of federal agencies that want to continue this for as long as possible. Today I can buy marijuana at retail stores here in Michigan. There is no violence associated with buying it from people who just grew it in their house and brought it there to sell to me.

Also Italy, not only for soft drugs. Europe is very liberal on drugs compared to US or Asia generally.

it really depends on the state where you get caught. In Berlin you can do blow of a mailbox in front of a police station and you will most likely only suffer only minor consequences [except if there is reason to believe you were or were planning on getting into a car]. Do that in Munich and you will get fined for a massive amount of money (5-10k)

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