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It's simply a matter of education, access to knowledge. It's a slow process.

Organised religion fizzled away when faced with widespread access to the facts (though two world wars surely helped).

Portugal is hardly the beacon of education and knowledge of the world, and yet they managed it. This is not a solution, it's giving up and saying "let's wait for it to happen by itself".

Exactly how is educating people and giving them facts "giving up"? Equipping people to make rational decisions based on evidence and giving them the confidence to make changes - that's a slow process.

There seems to be a trend for humans becoming brighter and more socially connected. (See Pinker's decline of violence work.)

I'm making the assumption that those trends will also stamp out boneheadedness with regards to prohibition.

> Organised religion fizzled away when faced with widespread access to the facts

Where? That's certainly not the case in America; access to facts does nothing more than make believers even more devout.

In the minds of the educated middle class.

Who are vastly vastly outnumbered. If facts changed minds, religion wouldn't exist.

Facts + time = changed mind.

Various primitive gods/spirits probably fitted the available facts pretty well at some point.

The educated middle class is perhaps outnumbered, but holds much power (ha like iOS vs Android) in that most teachers are educated middle class. And at least in the UK, teachers seem to be mostly areligious.

> And at least in the UK, teachers seem to be mostly areligious.

Lucky you.

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