The HN formatting with the two spaces in front kinda messes it up.
I've edited it some more to add some triple quotes before the query and it fixed it for negvsvpvny vagryyvtrapr even with the added spaces before every line.
Sometimes it goes on wild tangents trying to explain what it's doing and that messes up the result but if it goes straight for the answer it's always been correct for the sentences I've tried.
Thanks, will play around with this more. I've managed to achieve moderate results with this prompt:
"First generate a letter-by-letter ROT13 lookup table for all letters in the alphabet. Each row in the lookup table should consist of the original letter and the encoded letter separated by "---->" characters.
Then use this lookup table to generate another lookup table where you break down the following string letter-by-letter: "Artificial intelligence". Let's call the second column of this table TARGET_LETTERS.
Now take each entry in TARGET_LETTERS and concatenate them."
Requires a few retries but eventually it gets the TARGET_LETTERS lookup table right. But it always fails at the final concatenation step which actually looks easier.
Sometimes it goes on wild tangents trying to explain what it's doing and that messes up the result but if it goes straight for the answer it's always been correct for the sentences I've tried.