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I'm not sure what you suggest the solution is - to have more kids?


Of course having more kids must needs entail more than the acts of conception and birth. We must not merely have more kids but change our way of seeing kids, we have to want to have more kids since merely the physical acts of 'having more kids' without the corresponding investment of human capital in raising them would be among the greatest of crimes.

Isn't it telling to the profundity of the problem when we're initially not sure what to do with a problem so fundamental?

Kind of like an indebted person taking a long time to discover that he must make more money and spend less than he has. The answer is so simple the fact that we find ourselves in the problem can become a self-parody.

The micro-economic reality is that having kids is expensive, time consuming and seen by many as squandering talented people's time, yet how do these talented smart people ever expect to transfer humanity if the next generation is not being produced? Or not being produced in sufficient numbers? We can make all the advancements in the world but if we don't pass humanity on to the next generation in a sustainable way we can just as quickly devolve into what we were a few 100 years back, or worse.

A colony of wild animals has a problem where the most fit members virtually stop having offspring there's either massive mutation of the colony en route or the species is in trouble.

Having and raising kids is a procurement that once you really realize we lack as a society it's already to late to avoid some very extreme consequences.

    how do these talented smart people ever expect 
    to transfer humanity if the next generation is 
    not being produced? Or not being produced in 
    sufficient numbers?
I don't know what you're talking about.

Last I've checked the pressing issue is too many people, not too few - we never had as many humans on earth as we do right now & the global population is still increasing.

I wouldn't mind halving world population if it was possible in non-destructive way (and I wasn't part of the unfortunate half).

Perhaps the solution is robotics. A smaller human population is, in very many ways, a very good thing for all of us in the long run.

But the question is can our modern capitalism survive a decreasing population?

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