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oh yea.

using a software framework like django for "rapid application development" gives me a feeling closer to writing configuration files rather than actually "programming" (where "programming" is writing hardcore algorithms).

but don't get me wrong, I liked doing that, I got paid to do it. But let's call it for what it is: that python code (django app) was really django framework config.

this is a simlar phenomenon but worse, at least I could look around all of the actual code of the program for which I was writing configuration as code.

then, the thing about hardcore algorithms is that they need to be written once, and then everybody can use them. this is a giant problem. as I think about this, such hardcore algorithms are digital artifacts, so they are subject to the same problems all other digital artifacts (media, videos) are. a problem also known as software piracy. but software has been about composing proven algorithms together since day 1. the problem by this point is socio-economic. not technical.

I see the whole debate around "who will pay for critical infrastructure software" as another instance of "how should artists make money in the digital era".

But this comment (which I'm editing) is already at 0 points. somebody doesn't like what I'm trying to say, but I knew this already.

> they need to be written once

Well, if you were writing abstract pseudo-code, then maybe. In practice, the same algorithms are often reimplemented multiple times.

> and then everybody can use them

ah, if only that were true... implementations are often not that flexible, nor are programmers that keen on utilizing existing implementations.

> this is a giant problem

Problem? To the extent it's true - it's a boon, not a problem. Image if whenever you made a chair - suddenly everyone could get a chair without taking your own chair or spending any time and resources on chair construction. It's a miracle!

> a problem also known as software piracy.

1. Piracy is when people on ships with guns rob other ships. Arrgh, matey!

2. Sharing and copying software or other media is a good thing, not a problem.

PS - I haven't downvoted you. Point taken about django "config-programming".

well sure, I completely agree that it's indeed a boon. a HUGE boon.

the problem I describe is not a technical one, but a social one. and it's only a problem due to the current way society works. It's only a problem for some people (e.g me); them who are well satisfied by this "status quo" don't see any issue beyond lacking enforcement of IP 'rights' and the need for better DRM, and copy protections, and other things like that.

you're focusing on the technical aspects (plus you seem to be deliberately using the wrong definition of piracy).

I'm talking about the social economic aspects: I'm saying that this boon brought about by digital technology is only benefiting a select few. I tend to think about this 'boon' as potential that we collectively seem to be choosing to forego; I think it's my life's mission to do everything I can to avoid this "foregoing" of the great potential unleashed by digital technology; I feel like I'm swimming against the current most of the time.

> I'm saying that this boon brought about by digital technology is only benefiting a select few.

If you mean how most people in the world are under stricter social control with the advent of technology than they were in primitive tribal society (or maybe even middle-age agrarian society), then maybe.

But if you mean the benefit from being able to make these copies - then definitely disagree: People get to have tons of free (libre & gratis) software, and lots of free (gratis) cultural products like images, audio, video and text. Are you bemoaning what we do with this glut, and perhaps the problem of over-abundance, shallowness of cultural taste etc.? Otherwise I'm still missing your point.

About piracy: I'm using the right definition, it's the copyright crooks who are using the wrong one :-P

well, I'm not considering software specifically, but any and all "digital" media; including and without any special focus on software.

I suppose software is the least affected by this alleged "problem". after all, the 'free and open culture' movement spun out[1] of the free (and open) software movements.

[1] citation needed.

I think you nailed it with configuration vs programming. modern software development is configuration. notice that "development" is not programming either. so this trend has been going for long time

Good development is 99% configuration.

The problem is, that the tools and frameworks we use have such bad configuration.

it's config until you need an option not in the 'language' and then you have to get real dirty

I think there was a survey, fairly recently, that found that a top language in source code was YAML.

That says something.

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