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People have recommended some excellent books.

I will advise something different, find a mentor.

The most important parts of actually -engineering- software, not bashing out code come from intuition and taste and these are best taught through a mentor.

If you can't find a mentor at your current company then consider getting involved in OSS, particularly in well engineered projects like Linux, PostgreSQL, Apache projects, etc. If you have the capacity for this it's one of the strongest ways to increase your capability and strengthen/widen your network which will help further your career in other ways.

Once you have found a mentor focus on being a good student. Learn how to ask the questions that will prompt insightful answers, the "why" rather than the "how". Especially try to learn what -not- to do. Experience doesn't always need to come first hand... getting burnt isn't necessary to understand not to touch hot stuff.

Not the answer you asked for but I think perhaps even more important than what you can learn from a book.

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