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We get the odd fucking munter that destroys some shit for no reason.

Like beating up the America's Cup, or chopping down the tree on One-Tree Hill (which we still haven't renamed).

> "He felt that the views of those who opposed the government's actions weren't being heard, that the mainstream media weren't taking notice, that really it needed something to be done to promote those views," Nabney told the high Court.

And so he caused 1.2 million of damage to Electricity infrastructure. Tell me again why I'm the rambling conspiracy theorists for suspecting NZ is the target of disinformation trying to undermine trust in and the functioning of society..

I would actually argue that disinformation is only thiz level of effective when a society is already sick. Its alot easier to point to whats falling apart to back up your argument, than it is to build a intricate web of shadowy lies.

I guess what im saying is I feel like disinfo is a misnomer compared to what i see it as. Demoralization.

And honestly when people do become a product of manufactured value by propagandists, we dont usually treat them with dignity. Usually I see agression and equally bad faith arguments made in favor of the "truth". Which only further feeds the us vs them mentality in those individuals.

Maybe Demoralization is a good word for this. its not so much about truth as feelings. i dont know if the society is really sick, or just enduring challenging times. Direct action, protest, ararchism, etc have always been a part of the NZ political landscape. But the organisation of these things seems much more tightly integrated to international actors, groups, movements, funders, .. whatever youd call it.

I mean sick doesn't mean dying IMO, just dealing with a myraid of issues. The fact that we've even had nuclear war as a real potential threat in recent history is arguably a symptom of some global illness.

That level of discourse over a land dispute juat goes to show that our leaders arent really thinking of any of their actions long term consequences.

That's all extremely demoralizing to me, but I have the luxary of discussing my ideas here and seeing alternative viewpoints daily. That allows me to get a more level understanding of the objective world.

The spaces online availible to the layman however are nowhere near as welcoming to challenging of personal status quo.

And since ive already written this much i might as well make it a manifesto...

The main avenues of extremeism and propaganda were built by us hackers, we made communication efficient to our own detriment. The speed of the awfulness in our world can reach us faster than we can react is immense and that truth has been weaponized to put so many in their own digital versions of platos cave.

We need to paint a new place in the world, a goodly home for us all. I feel like matrix and the fediverse are part of that, atleast a v1 poc version of it.

Those kind of attacks occasionally happen in France. Who is behind it? Putin? China? No, quite often it happens to be, and I kid you not, a militant group of wine producers.


Wow, French people really just know how to do the resist/protest/rebel thing at a 115% level... Unions, Underground militant groups, regular citizens...

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