> 1. Hasura - DB + Basic APIS, 2. Ory.sh for Auth/Authz
Great choices!
3. React on the frontend
Here I'd go with Elm, and a generated GraphL API client. Here an example to play with (which btw also includes ZomboDB for ElasticSearch integration into Postgres)
Wohah, did not know about elm-graphql! I'm a big fan of functional programming and have written minor projects in elm, but the "slowness" of development has always discouraged me from actually doing something big with it. This stack might make this a whole lot better. Will look into it. Thanks
Great choices!
3. React on the frontend
Here I'd go with Elm, and a generated GraphL API client. Here an example to play with (which btw also includes ZomboDB for ElasticSearch integration into Postgres)
> 4. Windmill.dev
Look awesome, never heard of it. Tnx
> If you like code-focused solution: Rails, Laravel and Django are good options.
I think Kotlin/KTor, while not as full featured, is a much better alternative due to the strong typing discipline.