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I asked ChatGPT to summarize it after reading the whole thing and made a pretty good job. Maybe is better to read the part about being humble in the full version but still...

Cleverness is often seen as a positive quality, but it is also associated with being an outsider. In modernity, this has led to the proliferation of cleverness in public life, often in the form of contrived knowingness and irony. This has led to cleverness becoming a currency online, with people competing for likes and subscribers with clever jokes and analyses. There is an affinity between cleverness and alienation, as exemplified by the detective archetype, who is a detached and calculating outsider. This kind of cleverness often takes the form of seeing through illusions and can be found in popular media, online commenting, and in fiction. The proliferation of cleverness in public life has led to it becoming a nuisance and being criticized by figures such as Oscar Wilde and Søren Kierkegaard. It is important to distinguish between genuine wisdom and cleverness, and not to value the latter over the former.

Now the matter becomes to identify the unintelligence expected of ChatGTP in its product.

I see a few (e.g. linking 'Kierkegaard' and 'proliferation'), but it would be probably more interesting to do the same on an article presenting some solid argument.

> Pretty good job

Do you think the summary is really structured? Does it present an argument? Does it identify its nodes?

Or is it more like Woody Allen having made that speed-reading course and concluding that War and Peace is about Russia?

I think it's about as cogent as the original article. Which is to say, a ball of mud.

I tried to ask ChatGPT to make a more comprehensive summary but it gave me a very similar output, i think because "summary", to the model, has to match certain conditions of length, it is a very limiting factor; to my understanding, this tool wasn't meant to be used for this type of article (at the moment), instead, i find it perfect for summarizing long blog posts optimized for SEO.

However, if your goal was to just know what to expect from the article and then read it, it made a 'Pretty good job'.

I like that summary better than the actual article. The article read as floaty and artificial. ChatGPT's sickly sweet tone peeks through a bit here, but the pacing is much better.

This is one of the problems with chatGPT. Good writing is not just a way to communicate ideas. It is also a way to develop ideas that are worth exploring. Being proficient with language - good language skills - means being proficient with ideas. It is easy to lose site of this when you're profession is a technical one that mostly reads instruction manuals or technical documentation.

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