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Ah but you're free to not use the app stor- oh wait

Ah but I *like* the 30% cut I'm forced to give for apps on the store like Spotify or Netflix. Because for my sacrifice I am allowed to live in the ivory tower above the plague rats of Android!

I think F-Droid and de-Googled repair-friendly devices like the Fair Phone is the ivory tower, and at the bottom are the Android and Apple peasants arguing which of their favorite anti consumer mega corp is the best to consume. :D

Not if you want decent hardware. I really wanted to go with Pixel 6 with Graphene, but the many bugs (both software and hardware) and especially that emergency call thingy that is still ongoing made me choose the Apple ecosystem (which is unmatched in hardware by any android phone, unfortunately)

Indeed, few Android phones can match Apple's quality, but not every Android phone and OS has such bugs though.

I don't trust Apple's ecosystem one bit, especially after the whole "we're gonna constantly scan your phone (actually our phone since we own it but you're paying for it) for child porn pics and we're gonna limit functionality because it upsets the CCP". This is boiling the frog. Maybe next year they're gonna scan for Pepe the Frog memes on my phone to report me as a right wing extremist to my government.

I'd rather have average hardware but have freedom and privacy, than live in big-corp's authoritarian prison for the sake of comfort.

Btw, consider paying via the website if there are any differences in fees.

You are not forced to pay for Spotify and Netflix via the App Store.

No. But they're not allowed to tell me that :)

Unless as a user I am actively knowledgeable about the choices available to me Apple wins by holding a monopoly of ability to disseminate information

I agree with you there. And I hope the EU (or someone) will put an end to this.

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