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>Okay but when does a joke stop being a joke and become serious?

When people are hurt or crimes are committed.

>If they were little Jewish kids tied up getting gassed and whipped, would you be willing to take the same tone?

That is is in bad taste, but not, in fact, the Holocaust? Yes.

>I would also assert...

And I assert that I am the most handsome and witty person in the HN comment section. (That's the thing with assertions--we can make as many as we want, but unless the are in our particular area of expertise, they are of little value.)

I don't disagree with anything you're saying. The original poster claimed that we were all stupid for being angry with Balenciaga over this because Balenciaga was just joking. My claim was that you can't still claim you're joking when you cross a certain threshold. At some point, you're just unironically into the thing you're joking about. I wasn't talking about any legal implications with my post.

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