I was fairly new to "modern" web dev, starting a project, and went with Django because I had more Python experience than anything else. But I found templates very lackluster and poor to integrate with all the different JS ecosystem libraries people are creating to do very cool things on the frontend. Unfortunately, hooking React up to Django is a mess and most people doing this are still 5 years behind in React-land. Are you going to hybrid some template and some React? Are you going to containerize your django and react build system together?
Basically, I wanted a robust frontend ecosystem, well integrated to a simple backend (no Spring, Django-Rest-Framework monstrosities).
That led to React -> Next.js -> Typescript backend -> the rest of the niceties around it like Prisma (ORM-ish)
Create T3 App simplifies all the setup into a template and is extremely fast to start building features. No js build system setup, no python virtual envs. tRPC is an optional nicety.