You're leaving out all the photos on Lotta Volkova's Instagram. These are not a "nothingburger" it is obviously the product of a sick mind that likes to imply the sexual suffering and physical injury of children.
NGL, most of it just looks kinda innocuously edgy and made for shock value. For all we know she's had like 1 edgy photo out of 100 normal ones and then someone just collated the creepiest ones? Do we know the context of any of these?
[Edited to add: I don't know any of these people, fashion, or anything. I'm however extremely skeptical of conspiracy theory talk, poorly-contextualized information, and so need way more than context-free photos allegedly from an instagram page.]
The picture you mentioned looks more like something you see out of a police procedural or true crime TV show, which are very very popular genres of entertainment that are treated like popcorn watching. Bingeable, fun!
To be clear, I just don't think they're any more edgy than what is already normalized. It's just easy to prime the brain into thinking it's more serious than it is, because it's being put into an ominous context. In reality, simulated murder and children in one-pieces are already normalized as popcorn-level entertainment in the context of tv shows and gymnastics. If this is bad then we should really be cracking down harder on way more stuff than an instagram page.
My comment was only in reference to the photoshoot set containing the document or the 'BDSM bear'; my point is that these alone feed into an outrage machine that goes nowhere.
As for Volkova, I don't know enough to judge, but you might be right, I don't know; but it's a separate issue, in which there may be more under the cover than the usual insinuation and conspiracy thinking.
The fact that Lotta Volkova is not even mentioned in this "Explained" article and the fact that a lot of misinformation is being thrown around (people trying to blame the photographer) just goes to show how much fake controversy is potentially being drummed up here.