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The next build after 90c had the task bar at the bottom. The start menu was redesigned a few times after that build (which is from early 1994). Why would Microsoft leave shut down in the wrong position? Why did it take them until XP to put the programs option closer to the bottom?

I have no idea. It just seems unusual that the closest mouse distance is shut down.

Fitt's Law, GOMS analysis and the human processor model were all the rage in the mid-90s.

The ordering is pretty unusual but when you push the start menu to the top, all the rules are followed again.

Again, pure speculation. I wasn't in the room and I've never been able to directly ask someone who was (although I'd go out of my way for the opportunity).

As far as how it took them so long, I'd imagine moving things around on the start menu would require the signoff of an annoyingly large number of people. This is before the modern era of Unilateral UI Designer Autocrat who's given questionably broad authority over everything.

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